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What is Staining My Teeth?

Many of us consider a brilliant white smile to be a sign of good oral health. It can also bring us confidence and higher self-esteem. However, there are several factors that can cause your teeth to stain. As a result, this can dim the radiance of your pearly white smile. It is crucial to understand what can cause tooth discoloration to protect your teeth. 

What is Staining My Teeth?

What Causes Teeth to Stain?

Tooth staining, or discoloration, occurs when certain agents come into contact with the enamel or dentin of the teeth. Over time, these agents can lead to stains and discoloration. As a result, it can affect the overall look of your smile.

The Usual Suspects: What Can Stain Your Teeth?

While you may know some of the common staining agents, others may surprise you. The more you know about these agents, the better you can protect your teeth. 

Foods and Drinks

Some of our favorite treats and drinks can be the culprits behind a dingy smile. 

Coffee and tea, beloved beverages for many, contain intense color pigments known as tannins. These pigments can adhere to the enamel, leading to gradual staining over time.

Tip: Sipping water between sips of coffee or tea can help minimize staining, and regular dental cleanings can address accumulated discoloration.

The rich color of red wine comes from pigments called chromogens and tannins. These compounds can leave stains on your teeth, especially if you enjoy a glass regularly.

Tip: Pairing wine with water and maintaining good oral hygiene can help mitigate the impact of red wine stains.

While berries are nutritious, their vibrant colors can contribute to teeth staining. Blueberries, blackberries, and cherries, in particular, contain pigments that adhere to tooth enamel.

Tip: Enjoying berries as part of a balanced diet and following up with good oral hygiene practices can help combat potential staining.

Tobacco Use

Tobacco smoke contains tar and nicotine, both of which are known for causing teeth stains. The porous nature of tooth enamel allows these to penetrate and discolor the teeth.

Tip: Quitting smoking not only improves your overall health but also plays a big role in preserving the whiteness of your teeth.

Smokeless tobacco products, such as chewing tobacco, can also lead to tooth staining. The chemicals in these products can stain teeth and contribute to other oral health issues.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Neglecting regular brushing and flossing allows plaque—a sticky film of bacteria—to build on the teeth. Over time, plaque can also absorb stains from food and beverages, contributing to discoloration.

Tip: Adopting a thorough oral hygiene routine, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, is essential for preventing and addressing tooth stains.


As we age, the enamel on our teeth naturally wears down, revealing the yellowish dentin beneath. This gradual process can lead to a more visibly stained appearance over time.

Tip: While aging is inevitable, maintaining good oral hygiene practices can slow down the progression of natural stains.


Certain antibiotics can also cause intrinsic tooth staining, affecting the color of teeth from within. This type of staining is often more challenging to address.

Tip: If you’re prescribed medications that may cause tooth staining, discussing potential options with your dentist is best.